
NodeUnhovered プロパティ

ツリー ノードでマウスでのホバー状態ではなくなった後でこのイベントが発生します。
Public Property NodeUnhovered As String
public string NodeUnhovered {get; set;}
WebDataTree1.ClientEvents.NodeUnhovered = "WebDataTree_NodeUnhovered"
WebDataTree1.ClientEvents.NodeUnhovered = "WebDataTree_NodeUnhovered";
// The client event 'NodeUnhovered' takes two parameters sender and e
// sender  is the object which is raising the event
// e is the DataTreeNodeEventArgs
//Fires only when EnableHotTracking property is set to True on the server
function WebDataTree_NodeUnhovered(sender, e) {

    //Gets the node object that has mouse out of it
    var node = e.getNode();

    //Gets the text of the node
    var nodeText = node.get_text();

    alert("Mouse is out of the node '" + nodeText + "'!");