
Collapsed プロパティ (SplitterClientEvents)

分割ペインが縮小された後に呼び出される javascript 関数の名前を取得または設定します。
Public Property Collapsed As String
public string Collapsed {get; set;}
//The client side event Collapsed takes two parameters, sender and e.
//Sender is the object which is raising the event
//e is the SplitterCollapsedStateEventArgs

function WebImageViewer_ImageClick(sender, e) {
   var imageviewer = $find("WebImageViewer1");
   // Returns the ImageItem associated with the event
   var imageItem = e.getImageItem();
   // Gets the actual height of the image, not the height displayed in the 
   // browser
   var imageHeight = imageItem.get_actualHeight();
   // Gets the actual width of the image, not the width displayed in the 
   // browser
   var imageWidth = imageItem.get_actualWidth();
   // Get the index of the image item in the WebImageViewer's 
   // ImageItemCollection
   var imageItemIndex = imageItem.get_index();
   // Set the alt text of the image
   imageItem.set_altText("Image Item "+imageItemIndex);
Me.WebSplitter1.ClientEvents.Collapsed = "WebSplitter_Collapsed"
this.WebSplitter1.ClientEvents.Collapsed = "WebSplitter_Collapsed";