
Resizing プロパティ

コントロールがリサイズ中に呼び出される javascript 関数の名前を取得または設定します。
Public Property Resizing As String
public string Resizing {get; set;}
// The client event Resizing takes two parameters sender and e
// sender  is the object which is raising the event
// e is the ResizeEventArgs

function WDW1_Resizing(sender, e) {

    var wdw = $find("WebDialogWindow1");

    //Gets top edge of dialog
    var top = wdw.get_top();

    //Gets old height
    var oldHeight = e.get_oldHeight();

    //Gets old width
    var oldWidth = e.get_oldWidth();

    //Gets new height
    var newHeight = e.get_height();

    //Gets new width
    var newWidth = e.get_width();

    window.status = "Top : "+ top +" / Old height and width : " + oldHeight + " , " + oldWidth + " / New height and width : " + newHeight + " , " + newWidth;

Me.WebDialogWindow1.ClientEvents.Resizing = "WDW1_Resizing"
this.WebDialogWindow1.ClientEvents.Resizing = "WDW1_Resizing";