
HeaderMouseOver プロパティ

ヘッダー html 要素がブラウザの mouseover イベントを取得する時に呼び出される javascript 関数の名前を取得または設定します。
Public Property HeaderMouseOver As String
public string HeaderMouseOver {get; set;}
// The client events HeaderMouseOut takes two parameters sender and e
 // sender  is the object which is raising the event
 // e is the EventArgs

 function WDW1_HeaderMouseOut(sender, e) {

       var wdw = $find("WebDialogWindow1");

       //Gets reference to the header
       var header = wdw.get_header();

       //Sets the text that will be displayed in the caption area of the header
       header.setCaptionText("The mouse is out of the header");

       //Sets width and height of the dialog


// The client events HeaderMouseOver takes two parameters sender and e
// sender  is the object which is raising the event
// e is the EventArgs
function WDW1_HeaderMouseOver(sender, e) {

       var wdw = $find("WebDialogWindow1");

       //Gets reference to the header
       var header = wdw.get_header();

       //Sets the text that will be displayed in the caption area of the header
       header.setCaptionText("The mouse is over the header");

       //Sets width and height of the dialog
       wdw.setSize(500, 500);

Me.WebDialogWindow1.ClientEvents.HeaderMouseOver = "WDW1_HeaderMouseOver"
this.WebDialogWindow1.ClientEvents.HeaderMouseOver = "WDW1_HeaderMouseOver";