
MoreRowsReceived プロパティ

行がサーバーから取得された後で呼び出される javascript 関数の名前を取得または設定します。
Public Property MoreRowsReceived As String
public string MoreRowsReceived {get; set;}
WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.VirtualScrolling.VirtualScrollingClientEvents.MoreRowsReceived = "WebDataGrid_MoreRowsReceived"
WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.VirtualScrolling.VirtualScrollingClientEvents.MoreRowsReceived = "WebDataGrid_MoreRowsReceived";
// The client event 'MoreRowsReceived' takes two parameters sender and e
// sender  is the object which is raising the event
// e is the MoreRowsReceivedEventArgs

function WebDataGrid_MoreRowsReceived(sender, e) {

    //Returns index of the top row received from server.
    var topRowIndex = e.get_topRowIndex();

    //Returns number of rows received from the server
    var numberOfRowsReceived = e.get_rowsRange();

    window.status = numberOfRowsReceived + " rows received from the server with index of the top row being '" + topRowIndex + "'.";  