
DataFiltered プロパティ

Public Property DataFiltered As String
public string DataFiltered {get; set;}
Me.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.Filtering.FilteringClientEvents.DataFiltered = "WDG1_DataFiltered"
this.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.Filtering.FilteringClientEvents.DataFiltered = "WDG1_DataFiltered";
// The client event DataFiltered takes two parameters sender and e
// sender  is the object which is raising the event
// e is the DataFilteredArgs

  function WDG1_DataFiltered(sender, e) {

      //Gets the column filter object 
      var filters = e.get_columnFilters();

      //Gets the key of the column that the column filter is tied to
      var columnKey = filters[0].get_columnKey();

      //Rule and value based filtering condition that will apply to the ControlDataField which the ColumnFilter is tied to.
      var condition = filters[0].get_condition();

      //Gets the rule applied on the filter
      var rule = condition.get_rule();

      window.status = "Filtering  is done on the column '" + columnKey + "'";
