オーバーロード | 解説 |
WriteLine() | |
WriteLine(Boolean) | |
WriteLine(Char) | |
WriteLine(Char[]) | |
WriteLine(Double) | |
WriteLine(Int32) | |
WriteLine(Int64) | |
WriteLine(Object) | |
WriteLine(Single) | |
WriteLine(String) | |
WriteLine(String,Object) | |
WriteLine(String,Object,Object) | |
WriteLine(String,Object[]) | |
WriteLine(Char[],Int32,Int32) | |
WriteLine(UInt32) | Writes any pending tab spacing and the text representation of a 4-byte unsigned integer, followed by a line terminator string, to the output stream. System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriterから継承されます。 |
WriteLine(UInt64) | Writes the text representation of an 8-byte unsigned integer followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream. System.IO.TextWriterから継承されます。 |
WriteLine(Decimal) | Writes the text representation of a decimal value followed by a line terminator to the text string or stream. System.IO.TextWriterから継承されます。 |
WriteLine(String,Object,Object,Object) | Writes out a formatted string and a new line, using the same semantics as System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object). System.IO.TextWriterから継承されます。 |