

Today’s shoppers use digital properties and physical locations to make their purchases. They have data accessible to them to help aid their decision making process. Why shouldn’t your business have robust data access to help you meet the needs of consumers and their evolving buying habits?

Set up a dashboard with ReportPlus to make sense of the wealth of data you have access to as a retailer. Look at multi-channel sales by comparing digital vs. brick-and-mortar numbers. Find out the popularity of products by location or region. Gain insights into your supply chain and inventory. Dig deeper to see what makes a consistent top performing physical location. ReportPlus makes it easy to access live data and share your insights with multiple locations inside and outside your organization. Manage your business in real-time with access to multiple data sources and develop deeper insights and customer relationships.

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Get Started with ReportPlus

Build your first dashboard with us! Introducing Infragistics Data Viz Dashboard Concierge Program.

Affordable Analytics for All - See our Pricing.

Desktop & Mobile

One subscription for anyone to create, edit, and share dashboards from their office or on-the-go.

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Deploy on premise or in a private cloud and provide Web-based reports to your entire organization.

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Add powerful analytics to your next desktop, mobile or Web application while maintaining your brand.

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