
  • Accounts Receivable

    Understand your incoming cash flow in seconds.

    • Click to drill down on current payment status vs. contract terms
    • At a glance get a roll-up of open and overdue payments
    • Dig into aging accounts by region to prioritize follow up

    Free Trial No credit card required

  • Financial Metrics

    Easily ensure profit margins stay on track.

    • See your year-to-date sales vs. expenses in a single view
    • Click to drill down on deferred revenue
    • Manage to target goals by tracking and controlling of fixed costs

    Free Trial No credit card required

  • Financial Performance

    Track and understand all your key performance indicators in one place.

    • Address new trends as they happen
    • Spot opportunities in your sales pipeline
    • Make investments to accelerate growth in key divisions

    Free Trial No credit card required

  • Revenue and Profitability

    Get a single sheet view of revenue trends and profit margins.

    • View performance by division or geographic area
    • Click to find out what is driving growth in top accounts
    • Keep track of the seasonality of your business with a 12-month trend view

    Free Trial No credit card required

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