Build your First Dashboard with Us!

Infragistics Data Visualization Concierge Program for ReportPlus

Introducing Infragistics Dashboard Concierge Program

To help you during your free 30 day trial of ReportPlus Desktop and ReportPlus Mobile, we have created the Infragistics Dashboard Concierge Program. This one hour consultation is designed and led by an Infragistics Enterprise Mobility Solutions Consultant, and aimed at providing you with a guided experience during the creation of your initial ReportPlus Desktop or ReportPlus Mobile dashboard.

Bring affordable analytics and true self-service BI to your business. Securely accesses your data to gain new insights and make smarter decisions faster. Create, view and share rich visualizations and dashboards anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Infragistics’ Dashboard Concierge Program helps eligible individuals in small, mid-size, and enterprise businesses select a specific business scenario and begin implementing a focused dashboard. Choose to create your analytics solutions for Finance, Marketing, Sales, Operations, Manufacturing, Insurance, Retail, Executive Leadership, or other scenarios specific to your business.

Wondering what story your data has to tell? Fill out the form below and find out if you qualify for a free one hour dashboard consultation. *View Program Dependencies & Prerequisites.

Program Dependencies & Prerequisites:

To qualify for Infragistics’ free one hour consultation as part of the Dashboard Concierge Program, ReportPlus Desktop and ReportPlus Mobile trial users must be within their free 30-day active trial window and have completed the ReportPlus online Guided Learning Course. As part of the application process, program applicants must identify the type of dashboard they are working to create and the type of organization in which they work. Applicants will be informed within 2 business days if they are accepted into the program. Upon acceptance, applicants and an Infragistics Enterprise Mobility Solutions Consultant will identify a mutually agreeable time to conduct the one hour consultation. Applicant must come to the session prepared with accessible data sources, an active ReportPlus trial, and a Database Administrator if it is determined prior to the meeting that it is beneficial to have said person in attendance. The one hour consultation is limited to supported data sources and visualization types shipping within ReportPlus as of October 11, 2016.

Technical Prerequisites
  • Microsoft Windows machine with Windows 7 or newer; IOS device with IOS 8 or newer
  • ReportPlus installed on device
  • Data source details and credentials