Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.Layout
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree
Private Sub SetLayoutInfo(ByVal column As UltraTreeNodeColumn)
Dim layoutInfo As UltraTreeNodeLayoutInfo = column.LayoutInfo
' Disallow cell sizing.
layoutInfo.AllowCellSizing = LayoutSizing.None
' Allow horizontal header sizing.
layoutInfo.AllowLabelSizing = LayoutSizing.Horizontal
' Use the CellInsets property to add spacing around the cells.
layoutInfo.CellInsets.Left = 2
layoutInfo.CellInsets.Top = 2
layoutInfo.CellInsets.Right = 3
layoutInfo.CellInsets.Bottom = 2
' Use the LabelInsets property to add spacing around the header.
layoutInfo.LabelInsets.Left = 1
layoutInfo.LabelInsets.Top = 1
layoutInfo.LabelInsets.Right = 1
layoutInfo.LabelInsets.Bottom = 1
' Display the header on top of the cells.
layoutInfo.LabelPosition = NodeLayoutLabelPosition.Top
' Set the LabelSpan property to 2 so the header spans
' 2 logical units in the virtual grid.
layoutInfo.LabelSpan = 2
' Set the width component of the MinimumCellSize and MinimumLabelSize
' properties to 200 to prevent the cells/header from being made any smaller
' than 200 pixels, and set the height component to 0 so that the minimum
' height is left at the default value.
layoutInfo.MinimumCellSize = New Size(200, 0)
layoutInfo.MinimumLabelSize = New Size(200, 0)
' Set the OriginX property to the same value as the associated
' column's Index so that the column appears in the user interface
' at the same position as its ordinal position in the collection.
layoutInfo.OriginX = layoutInfo.Column.Index
' Set the OriginY property to 'Relative' so that the layout manager
' logic positions this column relative to the preceding column.
layoutInfo.OriginY = UltraTreeNodeLayoutInfo.Relative
' Set the width component of the PreferredCellSize and PreferredCellSize
' properties to 200 to make the width 200 pixels, and set the height
' component to 0 so that the height is left at the default value.
layoutInfo.PreferredCellSize = New Size(200, 0)
layoutInfo.PreferredLabelSize = New Size(200, 0)
' Set the SpanX property to 4 so the column spans
' 2 logical units in the virtual grid.
layoutInfo.SpanX = 4
' Set SpanY to 'Remainder' so that the layout manager
' logic assigns any remaining space to this column
layoutInfo.SpanY = UltraTreeNodeLayoutInfo.Remainder
' Set the WeightX and WeightY properties to 0 so that extra
' space is not assigned to this column
layoutInfo.WeightX = 0.0F
layoutInfo.WeightY = 0.0F
End Sub