バージョン 24.2 (最新)

AfterTaskPaneToolSelected イベント

SelectedTaskPaneTool が変更された後に発生します。
public event TaskPaneToolbarEventHandler AfterTaskPaneToolSelected
イベント データ

イベント ハンドラが、このイベントに関連するデータを含む、TaskPaneToolbarEventArgs 型の引数を受け取りました。次の TaskPaneToolbarEventArgs プロパティには、このイベントの固有の情報が記載されます。

TaskPaneToolbar イベントに関連付けられた UltraTaskPaneToolbar

このイベントは、SelectedTaskPaneTool が変更された後に発生します。

Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars

	Private Sub UltraButton3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UltraButton3.Click
		' UltraTaskPaneToolbar is a derived UltraToolbar so
		' it must be cast to the derived type when retreived
		' from the Toolbars collection of the component
		Dim taskPane As UltraTaskPaneToolbar = CType(Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.Toolbars("TaskPaneDemo"), UltraTaskPaneToolbar)

		' when the 'SelectedTaskPaneTool' property is set, the
		' tool will be selected and its associated Control 
		' will be displayed in the content area of the task pane.
		taskPane.SelectedTaskPaneTool = taskPane.Tools("dayview")
	End Sub

	Private Sub UltraToolbarsManager1_BeforeTaskPaneToolSelected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.BeforeTaskPaneToolSelectedEventArgs) Handles UltraToolbarsManager1.BeforeTaskPaneToolSelected
		' The BeforeTaskPaneToolSelected is invoked immediately before
		' the 'SelectedTaskPaneTool' property of an UltraTaskPaneToolbar 
		' has been changed. This event is cancellable and can be used to 
		' prevent the selected task pane from being changed.
		If e.Tool.Key = "monthview" Then
			e.Cancel = True
		End If
	End Sub

	Private Sub UltraToolbarsManager1_AfterTaskPaneToolSelected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.TaskPaneToolbarEventArgs) Handles UltraToolbarsManager1.AfterTaskPaneToolSelected
		' The AfterTaskPaneToolSelected event is invoked immediately after
		' the 'SelectedTaskPaneTool' property of an UltraTaskPaneToolbar
		' has been changed. This event can be used to initialize properties
		' of a task pane tool or its associated control.
		If Not e.TaskPaneToolbar.SelectedTaskPaneTool Is Nothing AndAlso Not e.TaskPaneToolbar.SelectedTaskPaneTool.Control Is Nothing Then
			e.TaskPaneToolbar.SelectedTaskPaneTool.Control.Text = "Changed"
		End If
	End Sub
Public Event AfterTaskPaneToolSelected As TaskPaneToolbarEventHandler
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;

		private void ultraButton3_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// UltraTaskPaneToolbar is a derived UltraToolbar so
			// it must be cast to the derived type when retreived
			// from the Toolbars collection of the component
			UltraTaskPaneToolbar taskPane = this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Toolbars["TaskPaneDemo"] as UltraTaskPaneToolbar;

			// when the 'SelectedTaskPaneTool' property is set, the
			// tool will be selected and its associated Control 
			// will be displayed in the content area of the task pane.
			taskPane.SelectedTaskPaneTool = taskPane.Tools["dayview"];

		private void ultraToolbarsManager1_BeforeTaskPaneToolSelected(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.BeforeTaskPaneToolSelectedEventArgs e)
			// The BeforeTaskPaneToolSelected is invoked immediately before
			// the 'SelectedTaskPaneTool' property of an UltraTaskPaneToolbar 
			// has been changed. This event is cancellable and can be used to 
			// prevent the selected task pane from being changed.
			if (e.Tool.Key == "monthview")
				e.Cancel = true;

		private void ultraToolbarsManager1_AfterTaskPaneToolSelected(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.TaskPaneToolbarEventArgs e)
			// The AfterTaskPaneToolSelected event is invoked immediately after
			// the 'SelectedTaskPaneTool' property of an UltraTaskPaneToolbar
			// has been changed. This event can be used to initialize properties
			// of a task pane tool or its associated control.
			if (e.TaskPaneToolbar.SelectedTaskPaneTool != null && e.TaskPaneToolbar.SelectedTaskPaneTool.Control != null)
				e.TaskPaneToolbar.SelectedTaskPaneTool.Control.Text = "Changed";
Public Event AfterTaskPaneToolSelected As TaskPaneToolbarEventHandler