Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports System.Diagnostics
' Add a new Owner to the Owners collection
Dim myOwner As Owner = Me.calendarInfo.Owners.Add("myCalendar")
' Create an OwnerDateSettings object for the first day of the current month
Dim dateSettings As OwnerDateSettings = New OwnerDateSettings(New DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 1))
' Designate the day as a workday
dateSettings.IsWorkDay = DefaultableBoolean.True
' Add two sets of working hours, one for 9AM to 12PM,
' and another for 1PM to 5PM
dateSettings.WorkingHours.Add(New TimeRange(TimeSpan.FromHours(9), TimeSpan.FromHours(12)))
dateSettings.WorkingHours.Add(New TimeRange(TimeSpan.FromHours(13), TimeSpan.FromHours(17)))
' Create an appearance to indicate that the office is closed
Dim officeClosedAppearance As Appearance = New Appearance()
officeClosedAppearance.BackColor = Color.White
officeClosedAppearance.BackColor2 = Color.LightGray
officeClosedAppearance.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.Horizontal
officeClosedAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Transparent
' Create TimeRanges for the hours during which the office is closed,
' which is 12AM to 6AM, and 8PM to 12AM
Dim closed1 As TimeRange = New TimeRange(TimeSpan.FromHours(0), TimeSpan.FromHours(6))
Dim closed2 As TimeRange = New TimeRange(TimeSpan.FromHours(20), TimeSpan.FromHours(24))
' Add two TimeRangeAppearance objects, one for each range during which
' the office is closed
dateSettings.TimeRangeAppearances.Add(closed1, officeClosedAppearance)
dateSettings.TimeRangeAppearances.Add(closed2, officeClosedAppearance)
' Add the OwnerDateSettings object to the Owner's DateSettings collection