バージョン 24.2 (最新)

ColumnSpacing プロパティ

UltraExplorerBarGroup を表示するために作成される列の距離を返すまたは設定します。Style が「0 - ExplorerBar」のコントロールにのみ適用されます。
public int ColumnSpacing {get; set;}

ColumnCount プロパティが 1 よりも大きい値に設定されるときに限って、このプロパティは有効です。

Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar

	Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button5.Click

		' Set the style of the control to ExplorerBar and setup columns.  Set the number of 
		' columns based on the width of the control.  Allow a minimum of 100 pixels for each
		' column.
		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Style = UltraExplorerBarStyle.ExplorerBar
		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.ColumnCount = Math.Max(1, Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Width / 100)

		' Set ColumnSpacing (i.e., the horizontal spacing between columns) to 6 pixels.
		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.ColumnSpacing = 6

		' Set the GroupSpacing (i.e., the vertical spacing between groups) to 10 pixels
		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.GroupSpacing = 10

		' Setup the first group so that it spans all columns.
		If (Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups.Count > 0) Then
			Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups(0).ColumnsSpanned = Me.ultraExplorerBar1.ColumnCount
		End If

	End Sub
Public Property ColumnSpacing As Integer
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar;

		private void button5_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// Set the style of the control to ExplorerBar and setup columns.  Set the number of 
			// columns based on the width of the control.  Allow a minimum of 100 pixels for each
			// column.
			this.ultraExplorerBar1.Style			= UltraExplorerBarStyle.ExplorerBar;
			this.ultraExplorerBar1.ColumnCount		= Math.Max(1, this.ultraExplorerBar1.Width / 100);

			// Set ColumnSpacing (i.e., the horizontal spacing between columns) to 6 pixels.
			this.ultraExplorerBar1.ColumnSpacing	= 6;

			// Set the GroupSpacing (i.e., the vertical spacing between groups) to 10 pixels
			this.ultraExplorerBar1.GroupSpacing		= 10;

			// Setup the first group so that it spans all columns.
			if (this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups.Count > 0)
				this.ultraExplorerBar1.Groups[0].ColumnsSpanned = this.ultraExplorerBar1.ColumnCount;
Public Property ColumnSpacing As Integer