'宣言 Public Property ChildPaneStyle As ChildPaneStyle
public ChildPaneStyle ChildPaneStyle {get; set;}
子ペインの使用可能なスタイルには水平分割、垂直分割、タブ グループ、およびスライド グループが含まれます。このプロパティの設定はドッキング領域のすべてのペインに適用されます。
水平分割スタイルと垂直分割スタイルは、ペインを水平または垂直に分割するだけです。ペインは上から下に、または並列にそれぞれ配置されます。TabGroup スタイルによって、すべてのペインは、DockableGroupPane の全領域を使用します。ユーザーが各ペインを選択できるようするためにペインの下側にタブが表示します。SlidingGroup スタイルはOutlook バーと同じようなインターフェイスでペインを配置します。各ペインは DoockableGroupPane の全領域を使用し、個々のペインは、ボタン スタイルのヘッダーをクリックすることで選択されます。
Imports Infragistics.Shared Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock Private Sub CreateDockManagerPanes(ByVal manager As UltraDockManager) ' this code assumes that there is a treeview (treeview1), ' listview (listview1) and rich textbox (richtext1) on ' the form ' create control panes to contain the listview ' and tree view Dim paneTree As DockableControlPane = New DockableControlPane("tree", "MS Treeview", Me.treeView1) Dim paneList As DockableControlPane = New DockableControlPane() paneList.Key = "list" paneList.Text = "MS Listview" paneList.Control = Me.listView1 ' create a dock area to contain the control panes Dim dockAreaLeft As DockAreaPane = New DockAreaPane(DockedLocation.DockedLeft) ' add the control panes to the dock area dockAreaLeft.Panes.Add(paneTree) dockAreaLeft.Panes.Add(paneList) ' display the panes in a tab group dockAreaLeft.ChildPaneStyle = ChildPaneStyle.TabGroup ' initialize the size of the dock area dockAreaLeft.Size = New Size(200, 200) ' let the tabs autosize to the tab caption dockAreaLeft.GroupSettings.TabSizing = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs.TabSizing.AutoSize ' unpin the panes dockAreaLeft.Unpin() ' now create the control pane to contain the richtext Dim paneText As DockableControlPane = New DockableControlPane("text", "MS RichText", Me.richTextBox1) ' create a dock area on the right to contain the rich text Dim dockAreaFloat As DockAreaPane = New DockAreaPane(DockedLocation.DockedRight) ' initialize the size of the dock area dockAreaFloat.Size = New Size(120, 200) ' contain the rich text pane in the dock area dockAreaFloat.Panes.Add(paneText) ' finally, add the dock areas to the dock manager manager.DockAreas.AddRange( _ New DockAreaPane() {dockAreaLeft, dockAreaFloat}) ' float the rich text dock area but give it a different ' floating size dockAreaFloat.Float(False, New Rectangle(400, 400, 200, 150)) End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared; using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock; using System.Diagnostics; private void CreateDockManagerPanes( UltraDockManager manager ) { // this code assumes that there is a treeview (treeview1), // listview (listview1) and rich textbox (richtext1) on // the form // create control panes to contain the listview // and tree view DockableControlPane paneTree = new DockableControlPane("tree", "MS Treeview", this.treeView1); DockableControlPane paneList = new DockableControlPane(); paneList.Key = "list"; paneList.Text = "MS Listview"; paneList.Control = this.listView1; // create a dock area to contain the control panes DockAreaPane dockAreaLeft = new DockAreaPane(DockedLocation.DockedLeft); // add the control panes to the dock area dockAreaLeft.Panes.Add( paneTree ); dockAreaLeft.Panes.Add( paneList ); // display the panes in a tab group dockAreaLeft.ChildPaneStyle = ChildPaneStyle.TabGroup; // initialize the size of the dock area dockAreaLeft.Size = new Size(200, 200); // let the tabs autosize to the tab caption dockAreaLeft.GroupSettings.TabSizing = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs.TabSizing.AutoSize; // unpin the panes dockAreaLeft.Unpin(); // now create the control pane to contain the richtext DockableControlPane paneText = new DockableControlPane("text", "MS RichText", this.richTextBox1); // create a dock area on the right to contain the rich text DockAreaPane dockAreaFloat = new DockAreaPane(DockedLocation.DockedRight); // initialize the size of the dock area dockAreaFloat.Size = new Size(120, 200); // contain the rich text pane in the dock area dockAreaFloat.Panes.Add( paneText ); // finally, add the dock areas to the dock manager manager.DockAreas.AddRange( new DockAreaPane[] { dockAreaLeft, dockAreaFloat } ); // float the rich text dock area but give it a different // floating size dockAreaFloat.Float(false, new Rectangle(400, 400, 200, 150)); }