バージョン 24.2 (最新)

TaskPaneTool クラス

UltraTaskPaneToolbar の単一項目を表すクラス。
public class TaskPaneTool : ToolBase, Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObject, Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObjectEx, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeProvider, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeSettingsOwner  
Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars

	Private Sub UltraButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UltraButton1.Click
		' create a new task pane toolbar
		Dim taskPaneToolbar As New UltraTaskPaneToolbar("TaskPane")

		' creates some task pane tools
		Dim taskPaneTool As New TaskPaneTool("Button")
		Dim taskPaneTool2 As New TaskPaneTool("RichText")

		' add the tool to the manager and then create an instance
		' on the toolbar

		' the HeaderCaption is displayed in the header area of the 
		' taskpane toolbar when this tool is selected
		taskPaneTool.HeaderCaption = "Button"

		' the Caption is displayed in the menu of the task pane
		' toolbar and is also used as the default header caption
		taskPaneTool.SharedProps.Caption = "Button Menu Caption"

		' the following determines whether the control should receive
		' focus when the tool is selected
		taskPaneTool.AutoActivateControl = True

		' create a control to host in the task pane toolbar when
		' the tool is selected
		Dim btn As New Button()
		btn.Visible = False		  ' hide it by default
		btn.Text = "Press"
		taskPaneTool.Control = btn

		taskPaneTool2.SharedProps.Caption = "RichTextBox"

		Dim rtb As New RichTextBox()
		rtb.Visible = False		  ' hide it by default
		AddHandler rtb.TextChanged, AddressOf Me.OnRichTextChanged
		taskPaneTool2.Control = rtb
	End Sub

	Private Sub OnRichTextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
		Dim rtb As RichTextBox = CType(sender, RichTextBox)
		Dim tool As TaskPaneTool = CType(Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.GetToolThatContainsControl(rtb), TaskPaneTool)

		If Not (tool Is Nothing) Then
			tool.HeaderCaption = "RichTextBox - " & rtb.TextLength
		End If
	End Sub	'OnRichTextChanged
Public Class TaskPaneTool 
   Inherits ToolBase
   Implements Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObject, Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObjectEx, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeProvider, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeSettingsOwner 
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;

		private void ultraButton1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// create a new task pane toolbar
			UltraTaskPaneToolbar taskPaneToolbar = new UltraTaskPaneToolbar("TaskPane");

			// creates some task pane tools
			TaskPaneTool taskPaneTool = new TaskPaneTool("Button");
			TaskPaneTool taskPaneTool2 = new TaskPaneTool("RichText");

			// add the tool to the manager and then create an instance
			// on the toolbar

			// the HeaderCaption is displayed in the header area of the 
			// taskpane toolbar when this tool is selected
			taskPaneTool.HeaderCaption = "Button";
			// the Caption is displayed in the menu of the task pane
			// toolbar and is also used as the default header caption
			taskPaneTool.SharedProps.Caption = "Button Menu Caption";

			// the following determines whether the control should receive
			// focus when the tool is selected
			taskPaneTool.AutoActivateControl = true;

			// create a control to host in the task pane toolbar when
			// the tool is selected
			Button btn = new Button();
			btn.Visible = false;	// hide it by default
			btn.Text = "Press";
			taskPaneTool.Control = btn;

			taskPaneTool2.SharedProps.Caption = "RichTextBox";

			RichTextBox rtb = new RichTextBox();
			rtb.Visible = false;	// hide it by default
			rtb.TextChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnRichTextChanged);
			taskPaneTool2.Control = rtb;

		private void OnRichTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
			RichTextBox rtb = sender as RichTextBox;

			TaskPaneTool tool = this.ultraToolbarsManager1.GetToolThatContainsControl(rtb) as TaskPaneTool;

			if (tool != null)
				tool.HeaderCaption = "RichTextBox - " + rtb.TextLength;
Public Class TaskPaneTool 
   Inherits ToolBase
   Implements Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObject, Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObjectEx, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeProvider, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeSettingsOwner 