
MoveToGroup(MdiTab,MdiTabGroupPosition) メソッド

現在含んでいる TabGroup に相対して MdiTabGroup に指定した MdiTab を移動します。
Public Overloads Function MoveToGroup( _
   ByVal tab As MdiTab, _
   ByVal position As MdiTabGroupPosition _
) As Boolean
public bool MoveToGroup( 
   MdiTab tab,
   MdiTabGroupPosition position


位置変更する MdiTab
タブの位置を変更すべき相対的な MdiTabGroup


タブが移動された場合は True を返します。そうでない場合は False を返します。
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabbedMdi

Private Sub MoveToNewGroup()
    ' get the tab associated with the active form
    Dim activeTab As MdiTab = Me.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.ActiveTab

    ' if there isn't one or the form is being closed or hidden,
    ' skip it
    If activeTab Is Nothing Or Not activeTab.IsFormVisible Then
    End If

    ' Create a new tab group at the end and move the
    ' active tab to it. The following statements will 
    ' perform the same action. The overloads that 
    ' accept an MdiTabGroupPosition can be used to have 
    ' the new group created at the beginning or before/after 
    ' the current tab group.
    'Me.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.MoveToNewGroup(activeTab, MdiTabGroupPosition.Last)
    If Me.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.CanCreateNewGroup Then
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub MoveToNextGroup()
    ' get the tab associated with the active form
    Dim activeTab As MdiTab = Me.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.ActiveTab

    ' if there isn't one or the form is being closed or hidden,
    ' skip it
    If activeTab Is Nothing Or Not activeTab.IsFormVisible Then
    End If

    ' Move the currently active tab to the next group.
    ' The following statement performs the same action.
    'Me.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.MoveToGroup(activeTab, MdiTabGroupPosition.Next)
End Sub

Private Sub MoveToPreviousGroup()
    ' get the tab associated with the active form
    Dim activeTab As MdiTab = Me.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.ActiveTab

    ' if there isn't one or the form is being closed or hidden,
    ' skip it
    If activeTab Is Nothing Or Not activeTab.IsFormVisible Then
    End If

    ' Move the currently active tab to the next group.
    ' The following statement performs the same action.
    'Me.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.MoveToGroup(activeTab, MdiTabGroupPosition.Previous)

End Sub
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabbedMdi;

private void MoveToNewGroup()
	// get the tab associated with the active form
	MdiTab activeTab = this.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.ActiveTab;

	// if there isn't one or the form is being closed or hidden,
	// skip it
	if (activeTab == null || !activeTab.IsFormVisible)

	// Create a new tab group at the end and move the
	// active tab to it. The following statements will 
	// perform the same action. The overloads that 
	// accept an MdiTabGroupPosition can be used to have 
	// the new group created at the beginning or before/after 
	// the current tab group.
	//this.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.MoveToNewGroup(activeTab, MdiTabGroupPosition.Last);
	if (this.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.CanCreateNewGroup)

private void MoveToNextGroup()
	// get the tab associated with the active form
	MdiTab activeTab = this.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.ActiveTab;

	// if there isn't one or the form is being closed or hidden,
	// skip it
	if (activeTab == null || !activeTab.IsFormVisible)

	// Move the currently active tab to the next group.
	// The following statement performs the same action.
	//this.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.MoveToGroup(activeTab, MdiTabGroupPosition.Next);

private void MoveToPreviousGroup()
	// get the tab associated with the active form
	MdiTab activeTab = this.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.ActiveTab;

	// if there isn't one or the form is being closed or hidden,
	// skip it
	if (activeTab == null || !activeTab.IsFormVisible)

	// Move the currently active tab to the next group.
	// The following statement performs the same action.
	//this.ultraTabbedMdiManager1.MoveToGroup(activeTab, MdiTabGroupPosition.Previous);
