
SpellingError プロパティ (SpellErrorEventArgs)

新しいエラーを記述する Error インスタンスを取得します。
Public ReadOnly Property SpellingError As Error
public Error SpellingError {get;}
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSpellChecker

'A hastable of the auto corrections.
'The key is the erroneous word, and the value is the word to replace it with.
Private autoCorrections As Hashtable = New Hashtable()

Private Sub ultraSpellChecker1_SpellError(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SpellErrorEventArgs) _
	Handles ultraSpellChecker1.SpellError

	'If the erroneous word is in the list of auto corrections...
	If (Me.autoCorrections.ContainsKey(e.SpellingError.CheckedWord)) Then

		'Set the action to replace
		e.Action = SpellErrorAction.Replace
		'Set the replacement word
		e.ReplaceWord = Me.autoCorrections(e.SpellingError.CheckedWord)

	End If
End Sub
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSpellChecker;

//A hastable of the auto corrections.
//The key is the erroneous word, and the value is the word to replace it with.
private Hashtable autoCorrections = new Hashtable();

private void ultraSpellChecker1_SpellError(object sender, SpellErrorEventArgs e)
	//If the erroneous word is in the list of auto corrections...
	if( this.autoCorrections.ContainsKey( e.SpellingError.CheckedWord ) )
		//Set the action to replace
		e.Action = SpellErrorAction.Replace;
		//Set the replacement word
		e.ReplaceWord = (string)this.autoCorrections[ e.SpellingError.CheckedWord ];