
ReplaceWord プロパティ

ActionSpellErrorAction.Replace に設定される場合、不正にスペルされたテキストを置き換えるワードを取得または設定します。
Public Property ReplaceWord As String
public string ReplaceWord {get; set;}
このプロパティを新しい文字列値に設定し、Action プロパティを SpellErrorAction.Replace に設定すると、スペルチェックされたオブジェクトでワードを置き換えます。
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSpellChecker

'A hastable of the auto corrections.
'The key is the erroneous word, and the value is the word to replace it with.
Private autoCorrections As Hashtable = New Hashtable()

Private Sub ultraSpellChecker1_SpellError(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SpellErrorEventArgs) _
	Handles ultraSpellChecker1.SpellError

	'If the erroneous word is in the list of auto corrections...
	If (Me.autoCorrections.ContainsKey(e.SpellingError.CheckedWord)) Then

		'Set the action to replace
		e.Action = SpellErrorAction.Replace
		'Set the replacement word
		e.ReplaceWord = Me.autoCorrections(e.SpellingError.CheckedWord)

	End If
End Sub
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSpellChecker;

//A hastable of the auto corrections.
//The key is the erroneous word, and the value is the word to replace it with.
private Hashtable autoCorrections = new Hashtable();

private void ultraSpellChecker1_SpellError(object sender, SpellErrorEventArgs e)
	//If the erroneous word is in the list of auto corrections...
	if( this.autoCorrections.ContainsKey( e.SpellingError.CheckedWord ) )
		//Set the action to replace
		e.Action = SpellErrorAction.Replace;
		//Set the replacement word
		e.ReplaceWord = (string)this.autoCorrections[ e.SpellingError.CheckedWord ];