
EnabledResolved プロパティ (Month)

Public ReadOnly Property EnabledResolved As Boolean
public bool EnabledResolved {get;}
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule

    Private Sub GetMonthInfo()

        '	Create a month object for the current month
        Dim month As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.Month = Me.ultraCalendarInfo1.GetMonth(DateTime.Today)

        Dim info As String = String.Empty

        '	Display the number of days in the month
        info += "The month has " + month.DaysInMonth.ToString() + " days." + vbCrLf

        '	Display whether the week's Enabled property is true or false
        If (month.Enabled) Then
            info += "The month's Enabled property is set to true." + vbCrLf
            info += "The month's Enabled property is set to false." + vbCrLf
        End If

        '	Display whether the month is effectively enabled
        '	Note that the EnabledResolved property accounts
        '	not only for the month's own Enabled property, but for the
        '	Enabled properties of all objects that encompass that month
        '	(i.e., Year)
        If (month.EnabledResolved) Then
            info += "The month is enabled." + vbCrLf
            info += "The month is disabled." + vbCrLf
        End If

        '	If there is activity, display the number of each type
        If (month.HasActivity) Then

            Dim activity As String = String.Empty

            If (month.Appointments.Count > 0) Then
                activity += month.Appointments.Count.ToString() + " Appointment(s)" + vbCrLf
            End If
            If (month.Holidays.Count > 0) Then
                activity += month.Holidays.Count.ToString() + " Holiday(s)" + vbCrLf
            End If

            If (month.Notes.Count > 0) Then
                activity += month.Notes.Count.ToString() + " Note(s)" + vbCrLf
            End If

            info += "There is activity for the month :" + vbCrLf
            info += activity + vbCrLf
        End If

        '	Display the month and year number
        Dim monthNumber As Integer
        Dim yearNumber As Integer
        monthNumber = month.MonthNumber
        yearNumber = month.Year.YearNumber
        info += "The month is month number " + monthNumber.ToString() + " of the year " + yearNumber.ToString() + vbCrLf

        '	Display the information
        MessageBox.Show(info, "GetMonthInfo")

    End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;

		private void GetMonthInfo()

			//	Create a month object for the current month
			Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.Month month = this.ultraCalendarInfo1.GetMonth( DateTime.Today );
			string info = string.Empty;

			//	Display the number of days in the month
			info += "The month has " + month.DaysInMonth.ToString() + " days." + "\n";

			//	Display whether the week's Enabled property is true or false
			if ( month.Enabled )
				info += "The month's Enabled property is set to true.\n";
				info += "The month's Enabled property is set to false.\n";

			//	Display whether the month is effectively enabled
			//	Note that the EnabledResolved property accounts
			//	not only for the month's own Enabled property, but for the
			//	Enabled properties of all objects that encompass that month
			//	(i.e., Year)
			if ( month.EnabledResolved )
				info += "The month is enabled.\n";
				info += "The month is disabled.\n";

			//	If there is activity, display the number of each type
			if ( month.HasActivity )
				string activity = string.Empty;

				if ( month.Appointments.Count > 0 )
					activity += month.Appointments.Count.ToString() + " Appointment(s)\n";
				if ( month.Holidays.Count > 0 )
					activity += month.Holidays.Count.ToString() + " Holiday(s)\n";
				if ( month.Notes.Count > 0 )
					activity += month.Notes.Count.ToString() + " Note(s)\n";

				info += "There is activity for the month :\n\n";
				info += activity + "\n";

			//	Display the month and year number
			int monthNumber;
			int yearNumber;
			monthNumber = month.MonthNumber;
			yearNumber = month.Year.YearNumber;
			info += "The month is month number " + monthNumber.ToString() + " of the year " + yearNumber.ToString() + "\n";

			//	Display the information
			MessageBox.Show( info, "GetMonthInfo" );
