
UIElement プロパティ (UltraNumericEditorBase)

ユーザー インターフェイスにおいてコントロールの表現を具体化する Infragistics.Win.UIElement オブジェクトを返します (読み取り専用)。
Public ReadOnly Property UIElement As UltraNumericEditorUIElement
public UltraNumericEditorUIElement UIElement {get;}

UIElement プロパティは、コントロール自体を表す UIElement への参照を返します。コントロールのすべての UI 要素は、コントロールの UIElement の子である UIElements として実装されます。このプロパティはランタイムにのみ使用可能です。

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        '	Set the spin buttons to appear on the left side of the control
        Me.UltraNumericEditor1.SpinButtonAlignment = ButtonAlignment.Left
        Me.UltraCurrencyEditor1.SpinButtonAlignment = ButtonAlignment.Left

        '	Set the spin buttons to appear when the cursor moves within the bounds of the control
        Me.UltraNumericEditor1.SpinButtonDisplayStyle = ButtonDisplayStyle.OnMouseEnter
        Me.UltraCurrencyEditor1.SpinButtonDisplayStyle = ButtonDisplayStyle.OnMouseEnter

			'	Dirty child elements of the control's main UIElement, and force an immediate repaint
        Me.UltraCurrencyEditor1.UIElement.DirtyChildElements( true )

    End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors;

		private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			//	Set the spin buttons to appear on the left side of the control
			this.ultraNumericEditor1.SpinButtonAlignment = ButtonAlignment.Left;
			this.ultraCurrencyEditor1.SpinButtonAlignment = ButtonAlignment.Left;

			//	Set the spin buttons to appear when the cursor moves within the bounds of the control
			this.ultraNumericEditor1.SpinButtonDisplayStyle = ButtonDisplayStyle.OnMouseEnter;
			this.ultraCurrencyEditor1.SpinButtonDisplayStyle = ButtonDisplayStyle.OnMouseEnter;

			//	Dirty child elements of the control's main UIElement, and force an immediate repaint
        this.UltraCurrencyEditor1.UIElement.DirtyChildElements( true );
