
UIElement プロパティ (UltraStatusBar)

コントロールに関連付けられたメインの UIElement を取得します。
Public ReadOnly Property UIElement As UltraStatusBarUIElement
public UltraStatusBarUIElement UIElement {get;}
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinStatusBar
Imports System.Diagnostics

   Private Sub ultraStatusBar1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ultraStatusBar1.Click

       Dim mainElement As UIElement
       Dim element As UIElement
       Dim screenPoint As Point
       Dim clientPoint As Point
       Dim panel As UltraStatusPanel

       ' Get the control's main element
       mainElement = Me.ultraStatusBar1.UIElement

       ' Convert the current mouse position to a point
       ' in client coordinates of the control.
       screenPoint = Control.MousePosition
       clientPoint = Me.ultraStatusBar1.PointToClient(screenPoint)

       ' Get the element at that point
       element = mainElement.ElementFromPoint(clientPoint)

       If element Is Nothing Then Return

       Debug.WriteLine("Clicked on an " + element.GetType().ToString())

       ' Get the row that contains this element.
       panel = element.GetContext(GetType(UltraStatusPanel))

       If Not panel Is Nothing Then
           Debug.WriteLine("panel style: " + panel.Style.ToString())
           Debug.WriteLine("key: " + panel.Key)
           Debug.WriteLine("index: " + panel.Index.ToString())
           Debug.WriteLine("text: " + panel.DisplayText)
       End If

       ' Walk up the parent element chain and write out a line 
       ' for each parent element.
       While Not element.Parent Is Nothing
           element = element.Parent
           Debug.WriteLine("is a child of an " + element.GetType().ToString())
       End While

       ' reset the indent level
       Debug.IndentLevel = 0

   End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinStatusBar;

private void ultraStatusBar1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	UIElement mainElement;
	UIElement element;
	Point screenPoint;
	Point clientPoint;
	UltraStatusPanel panel;

	// Get the control's main element
	mainElement = this.ultraStatusBar1.UIElement;
	// Convert the current mouse position to a point
	// in client coordinates of the control.
	screenPoint = Control.MousePosition;
	clientPoint = this.ultraStatusBar1.PointToClient( screenPoint );

	// Get the element at that point
	element = mainElement.ElementFromPoint( clientPoint );

	if ( element == null )

	Debug.WriteLine( "Clicked on an " + element.GetType().ToString() );

	// Get the row that contains this element.
	panel = element.GetContext( typeof( UltraStatusPanel ) )
					as UltraStatusPanel;
	if ( panel != null )
		Debug.WriteLine( "panel style: " + panel.Style.ToString() );
		Debug.WriteLine( "key: " + panel.Key );
		Debug.WriteLine( "index: " + panel.Index.ToString() );
		Debug.WriteLine( "text: " + panel.DisplayText );

	// Walk up the parent element chain and write out a line 
	// for each parent element.
	while (element.Parent != null )
		element = element.Parent;
		Debug.WriteLine("is a child of an " + element.GetType().ToString());

	// reset the indent level
	Debug.IndentLevel = 0;