
Legend プロパティ (UltraChart)

Public Property Legend As LegendAppearance
public LegendAppearance Legend {get; set;}
'sets the transparency of the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.AlphaLevel = 100
        'sets the backcolor of the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.BackgroundColor = Color.Red
        'sets the color of the border for the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.BorderColor = Color.Black
        'sets the linestyle for the border
        UltraChart1.Legend.BorderStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.LineDrawStyle.DashDot
        'determines what area of data to associate the legend with
        UltraChart1.Legend.DataAssociation = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.ChartTypeData.ColumnData
        'accesses the various font properties of the legend
        'sets the font color for the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.FontColor = Color.Yellow
        'sets the format of the legend info and what to display in the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.FormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL>"
        'sets the location of the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.Location = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.LegendLocation.Right
        'sets the margins for the edges of the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.Margins.Top = 2
        UltraChart1.Legend.Margins.Bottom = 1
        UltraChart1.Legend.Margins.Left = 2
        UltraChart1.Legend.Margins.Right = 2
        'sets the percentage of the chart control the legend will occupy
        UltraChart1.Legend.SpanPercentage = 35
        'hides/shows the legend.
        UltraChart1.Legend.Visible = True
// sets the transparency of the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.AlphaLevel = 100;
        // sets the backcolor of the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
        // sets the color of the border for the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.BorderColor = Color.Black;
        // sets the linestyle for the border
        UltraChart1.Legend.BorderStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.LineDrawStyle.DashDot;
        // determines what area of data to associate the legend with
        UltraChart1.Legend.DataAssociation = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.ChartTypeData.ColumnData;
        // accesses the various font properties of the legend
        // ultrachart1.legend.font
        // sets the font color for the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.FontColor = Color.Yellow;
        // sets the format of the legend info and what to display in the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.FormatString = "";
        // sets the location of the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.Location = Infragistics.UltraChart.[Shared].Styles.LegendLocation.Right;
        // sets the margins for the edges of the legend
        UltraChart1.Legend.Margins.Top = 2;
        UltraChart1.Legend.Margins.Bottom = 1;
        UltraChart1.Legend.Margins.Left = 2;
        UltraChart1.Legend.Margins.Right = 2;
        // sets the percentage of the chart control the legend will occupy
        UltraChart1.Legend.SpanPercentage = 35;
        // hides/shows the legend.
        UltraChart1.Legend.Visible = True;